Join the SpectoLabs Workshop at TestWorks Conf, Amsterdam 7th October

Daniel Bryant,

The SpectoLabs team are pleased to announce the next iteration of our workshop “Automated Testing in a World of Interdependence: Service Virtualisation for the Modern Age” will be running at Xebia’s TestWorks conference in Amsterdam on the 7th October 2016.

Please join us for what promises to be a great conference focused on full stack test automation, technical QA, and ‘dev in test’ skills. The full details of our workshop can be found below.

Automated Testing in a World of Interdependence: Service Virtualisation for the Modern Age

A foundation-level workshop

Do you struggle with testing applications made of interdependent API-driven (micro)services, testing with dependent external systems that are unavailable (or have flakey sandbox environments), or validating non-functional aspects via load testing or fault tolerance testing? If so, then this is the workshop for you! Within this session we’ll have a group-based exercise that explores the problem, a presentation on a testing approach known as Service Virtualisation or API simulation, and a hands-on (easy) coding challenge that demonstrates how to use modern tooling to implement solutions to the issues identified.

Key takeaways include:

  • Appreciating the value of functional and non-functional test automation throughout the build pipeline
  • Understand the challenges and approaches to testing inter-dependent systems
  • Discover what Service Virtualisation and API simulation is, what uses cases these address, and common antipatterns
  • Develop practical skills for virtualising a service within a system under test

Approximate agenda:

  • Intro (10 mins): A brief slide-based introduction to the topic of test automation and the role this plays within a typical Continuous Delivery (CD) build pipeline. We will also discuss the value of functional and non-functional testing e.g. BDD style tests and load testing
  • Scenario discussion (30 mins): During this 30 minute slot we will present a typical testing challenge with an application that is dependent on an external resource group discussion. The Specto team will help facilitate a series of group discussions, and the final 5 minutes will consist of groups presenting their finding back to the rest of the class
  • Introduction to Service Virtualisation (20 mins): Here we will present a high level introduction to the technique of Service Virtualisation (SV), and set the scene for the hands-on session
  • Hands on session (50 mins): In this session we encourage the group to complete two hands-on exercises, one functionally testing a service with unavailable dependencies, and the second fault testing a service by injecting breakages into a dependent service. The Specto team will tailor the level of involvement required by the group based on the class experience and technical ability
  • Wrap-up (10 mins): The final section of the day will present a quick summary of the lessons learned, and address any final questions from the class

We look forward to seeing you there!

For more information on the talk, please visit the TestWorks Conf website